Water Drinking Benefits & Water Function in the Body

Today here we are going to discuss the benefits and necessity of water in our body. We all know our body is made of 70% water but it depends on the weight and height of the human being. It's prominent for healing and running minerals, fluids in our body. The energy level in our body is determined by the amount of water you intake.
Water in our Body
  1. Blood consist of 80% water
  2. Brain contains of 75% water
  3. Kidneys holds of 83% water
  4. Connective Tissue keeps 60% water
  5. Liver consist of 86% water
  6. Skin has 70% water
  7. Fat keeps 20% water
  8. Muscles has 76% water
  9. Bones consists of 22% water
Water Function in the Human Body
   It helps to sharping brain cells and the outcomes your mind works very fast. See the function  and the importance of the water in our body.
  1. It regulates body temperature properly.
  2. Helps in lubricating joints
  3. Keeps moisture in tissue such as eye , ear, nose etc
  4. Transports nutrients into cells 
  5. Water helps to take out garbage from the body
  6. It protect body organs and tissues
  7. Helps in metabolic and digestion function
  8. Keeps preventing loosing Calcium from body
  9. Reduce water retention in Body
  10. Water generates energy in our Body and cleans blood vessel.
Benefits of Water in the Body
  1. Keeps loosing Weight
  2. Keeps you look as young
  3. Combat Skin disorder such as Wrinkle, Itching, Psoriasis, Dry Skin
  4. Boosts Metabolism and Brain Power
  5. Helps to keep building Muscles
  6. Prevent Heart -attack, Migraines  and Headache
  7. Make you happy at Work
  8. Helps in boosting Immune System
  9. No Sprains and Cramps
  10. Reduces bad breath and Chance of Cancer


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