
Showing posts from November, 2013

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning

Lemon is very popular citrus fruit in medicine and Culinary.Lemon Water is very beneficial for the human body, or specially if you drink it in the Morning. Its nice replacement of your morning coffee. I prefer drink Lemon water (Room Temperature) in the morning, When I drink Lemon water I feel great that day. Don't drink Chilled Lemon water in the morning because it can damage your digestive system. 

Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Control Diabetes

Ayurvedic treatment is an ancient healing medication in India. Ayurveda is about 3500 years to 5000 Years old and it's grown up year by year in India. Let me explain Ayurveda, "Ayu" means life and Veda means knowledge, Ayurveda is all about the science of life. In Ayurveda diabetes is termed as a "Madhumeha" and according to Ayurveda Madhumeha is classified in 20 types. People also know India as a Diabetes Capital.

Home Remedies For Diabetes All Tme Favourite

Diabetes Mallitus is a common problem among people worldwide, but most dangerous is T ype 2 Diabetes . You have to be very careful and you need to indulge in some program like exercise every day, Dental Check up, take care of your eyes, Blood pressure, control cholesterol and quit smoking and drinking. you don't need to have in Medication, some of your habits and food System can cut the risk of Diabetes. Diabetes makes you sick, you can feel sudden weight loss, Extreme thirst, Extreme Hunger, Coma, Fatigue, Sweating and Trembling. Here are some Home Remedies, what are helpful in Diabetes.

What is Diabetes, Symptoms, Types & Causes

I posted all about Dehydration and their causes, the most dangerous is Diabetes among these causes. Around second century the Greek Physician described patient who got passing out lots of Urine (Polyuria) termed Siphon (Greek Word) also called Diabetes . In Modern Science Doctors also termed it as a Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus is a Metabolic disease in the Human Body, in that case body is not able to produce enough insulin. Insulin is a Hormone generated by certain cells in Pancreas (Organ next to Stomach called Mid- Abdomen)The insulin transports the Blood Sugar and Glucose from Blood stream to Body cells. If insulin is not generated properly by Pancreas you could be the victim of Diabetes.

Dehydration Home Remedies All Time Favourite

I recently posted the Symptoms, Tips and Treatment of Dehydration , I also discussed  what food you need the have in the period of Dehydration. I have been a victim of Dehydration at my work place, I suggested to Hospital they keep me in the supervision of doctors for a day and finally they told me I got Dehydrated. Here I am discussing few Home Remedies what I did to Re hydrated ?

Dehydration Symptoms, Types & Treatment | Food during Dehydration

Human body is almost made of 70% Water, in any case you are not drinking perfect amount of water you could be the victim of Dehydration. Its understood the level of water makes your body work properly, the fluids transporting the Oxygen to cells, maintain organ function, protects joints and keeps body temperature accordingly. So if you are not respecting water level in the body the result can be Dehydration.

Water Drinking Benefits & Water Function in the Body

Today here we are going to discuss the benefits and necessity of water in our body. We all know our body is made of 70% water but it depends on the weight and height of the human being. It's prominent for healing and running minerals, fluids in our body. The energy level in our body is determined by the amount of water you intake.