
Showing posts from December, 2013

Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Control Depression

The Mound of research indicates Depression can be cured by Meditation (YOGA) and Medication. I want to discuss about the Ayurveda Treatment for Depression, because its oldest medication system in India, even our forefathers used to save others life using Ayurveda. Ayurveda makes every thing possible, if it can cure Cancer why not Depression. Scientist still are not able to speak clearly the causes of Depression , they explained it is genetic, Environmental and Physiological. Almost 10% world population suffering from Depression alone and its high cure rate disease.

Food & Vegetables in Depression All Time Favorite

We have a old proverbs As you will eat, same it will get back to you. If you feed crap to your body it will act crap and if you eat Cadillac it will return you kindness.When Depression comes in your life it makes it worst but you can boost your life by having some sort of precaution. Here I am writing some food and vegetables what you need to have during Depression. Doctors illustrates Depression can be treated by Therapy and Medications, but our eating habits, Nutrition are the factors for the Depression.

What are Depression Types & Complications ?

There are many types of Depressive disorders, which occurs by the downswing in your mood. In the last post I had discussed the Depression symptoms and causes. Depression May range from minor to severe.

Depression Symptoms & Causes | Find Out Depression Symptoms in Your Self

 Depression is a downswings in your mood (Sad ,Blue), Struggle,disappointment. Depression directly affects your thoughts, activities, Behavior, Health and physical fitness. It may lead your daily functioning and can increase a chance of Suicide. Depression takes a place because of ups and downs in your life.

Top Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water

Have you drink Coconut Water ever, it's the only one natural drink which can boost your energy level naturally. Once you drink it you will forget to think about energy drinks because it contains lots of minerals, amino acid, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. It is recommended drink for those people who work in summer and live in hot countries. During the pacific war it used for the treatment of those people who we're suffering from plasma transfusion and IVs.