Ways to Reduce Belly and Waist Fat

Controlling diet is important in keeping people healthy and fit. Due to the busy routine, the physical activity of the people is decreasing day by day, due to which the calories taken are converted into fat and visible in parts around your abdomen. Often people are engaged in losing weight

However, the most common problem is the removal of the fat surrounding the belly. Do you know that some people are not fat but there is enough fat around their stomach? Fat accumulation on the stomach not only spoils your health but it also spoils your look.

Nowadays people who suffer more than the problem, are fat. In addition to changing lifestyle and running life, eating habits and eating habits are the main reasons for the increase of fat in the stomach and the rest. Apart from this, there are several other reasons why fat increases. 

·         Health also spoils the look on the fat deposited on the stomach.
·         Drinking water at the end of the meal is one of the main reasons for the stomach.
·         25 per cent of calories burn regularly by going on a trip.
·         Stress-enhancing hormones release when sleep is not complete.

Fats increase fat by eating food. Many people sleep very little, due to which the difference also increases on their body. One of these effects is found in the body in the form of increased fat. Fatty foods also increase fat by eating more fried and carbohydrate substances. Drinking and smoking also increases fat on the stomach.

Causes of Belly Fat

Having a little fat on the belly is considered normal. It is said that if it is fixed in the waist and stomach, it protects our bones just like cushions. Also, the internal organs of the body can work well. At the same time, if the fat is definitely high, then it may have to deal with many diseases. Here we will discuss about the main causes of excessive fat on the stomach. 

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According to the scientists' research, some fatal cells are genetically grown in the body. If anybody's family is suffering from this problem, then the next generation is also suspected of having this problem.

Weak digestive system
belly fat lose methods

Along with aging, our digestive system also starts weakening. It also causes the stomach fat to increase. It is commonly seen that in this case women are more prey than men. Problems like thyroid and sugar are also surrounded by the body due to poor digestive system.

Changes in hormones

Generally women have to face hormonal changes. When she has reached the middle of his life (around 40), then fat increases faster than body weight. At the same time, levels of estrogen hormone decreased and levels of androgen hormone increased during menopause. This is the reason that the fat around the waist is high.

stress may lead belly fat
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The stressed person goes one after another and suffers from multiple diseases. Increasing fat in the body is also one of them. When we are in stress, the level of cortisol in the blood becomes high. Cholesterol increases fat levels in the body, thereby increasing the fat cells. Generally, this condition increases the fat around the stomach.

Other diseases
belly fat lose tricks

Some diseases are such that they may have to suffer from increased weight due to grip. This problem is especially high in women. If women have sugar, breast cancer, heart disease or high blood pressure, then the possibility of fat increases around the waist and abdomen.

Muscular laxity
fruits to reduce belly fat

When the muscles around the stomach begin to loose, then the fat in that place may begin to grow.

Wrong posture
easiest way to reduce belly fat

It may seem strange to read or hear, but there are no two opinions that getting fat up in the body also increases. Sitting in the waist can cause more fat around the stomach. Most people sit after dinner and do not roam at all. This also increases belly fat.

Sitter's habit
how to reduce stomach fat

In the days of modernity, our life has become so easy that we have stopped doing physical activities. We try to do our work every day, whether in the office or in the house. Instead of taking time out, we prefer watching TV or working on a computer. As a result, the level of fat increases in our body. Due to being sitting in one place for a long time, fat increases in the stomach and the rest of the body.

Over feeding
how to lose belly fat fast

We do not eat anything in the daytime. Sometimes they eat more than the pressure of work or stress and then sit and work in the same place. In this way, fat increases around the waist and stomach.
Now you have learned how your body accumulates belly fat? Let's now know how did you lower the belly fat

Exercises to reduce belly and waist fat

Some people have fat around the stomach and waist, so much that they do not want to wear their favorite clothes. Many times such people have to be victim of inferiority while sitting in front of others, because their stomach's fat clothes are clearly visible. Such people are always immersed in how to reduce the stomach fat. It is important that such people should exercise regularly. 

Here we are showing some exercise that you will surely benefit from.

First of all we talk about cardio exercises (for heart):

1. Running

There is nothing better than running to keep the body tight and fit. While running, where the heart is able to work well, extra calories burn and gradually the fat starts decreasing. Run a few meters in the beginning and run slowly instead of fast. When the body gets used to it, then it can increase its speed and time.

2. Swimming
swimming to lose belly fat

This also leads to less body fat accumulation. Swimming is also good for the heart. Not only does the weight decrease due to swimming, but the body gets better in shape. You can do this once or twice a week. If you have not learned swimming before, then do it under the supervision of a trainer.

3. Cycling
cycling to lose belly fat

It is considered the best and the simplest cardio exercise (for the heart). From this, where the legs, feet and legs are good exercises, while the extra fat and calories in the body also get out.

4. Walking
walking to lose belly fat

If you do not want to do all three of the above things, then go for half an hour every morning and evening. Apart from this, the fat deposited in the body starts reducing. If possible, then you should walk with fast steps. It is considered easy and safe in the measures to reduce belly. Walk daily in the morning and evening, belly fat will be reduced. In addition, after drinking a glass of lukewarm water every morning, add one or two teaspoons of honey and drink it. Doing this will help reduce stomach fat.

5. Weight training
weight training to lose belly fat

If you have time to go to the gym, then you can exercise weight training there. Exercising with weight lifting will not only make your body look attractive, but also strengthen your digestive tract. Keep in mind that only under the supervision of a professional trainer, weight training is done at the gym.

What Should you do reduce belly fat?

Avoid drinking water after eating

It is often seen that after eating the food, people drink a lot of water, which is one of the main causes of stomach. It is not advisable to drink water at the end of the meal, but drink only after one and a half hours. If you feel real thirsty, then drink just a cup of tepid water after the meals.

Eat a little

Eat several times a day, instead of eating three times a day. Keep eating something every two hours. It also keeps the body's metabolism well and energy level remains. Increase the amount of protein in the food. They take too much time to digest and the stomach is full for a long time. White egg part, fat free milk and curd, grilled fish and vegetables will make you slim and fit.

Honey is beneficial

As we all know, honey is the property of mine. It is also effective in reducing obesity. Mix honey in lukewarm water every morning and drink it. By adopting this process regularly, you will soon be able to see the effect.

Drink Green Tea

If you are very fond of drinking tea, then instead of drinking milk tea, drink green tea filled with antioxidants or black tea. It contains amino acids called thyanine, which discharge such chemicals in the brain and control your appetite.

Walk Morning Walk Fit

Go for a morning walk and do not forget to take a break even after dinner. This will help to reduce the extra calories of the stomach and waist. Because going on a regular tour, 25 percent of calories burn. To reduce the stomach quickly, keep a thirty-minute walk session. If you can not walk continuously with speed then interval between them. Walk fast and then reduce the speed.

Take care to eat food

If you eat junk food a lot or you like oily food then now start avoiding them. Instead of normal flour instead of normal flour, eat chapati with barley and gram flour, this will soon slim trim. Eating some grams of almonds daily can reduce waist size in half to six inches in 24 weeks. So from today, decide that hundred grams of nuts daily will be included in their diet. It is rich with calories and also contains fiber. Take balanced calories in the food. You must take at least 2000 calories a day.

Complete sleep

It is also important to take adequate sleep with balanced diet and exercise. Stress-free hormones are released when sleep is not complete, which inspire you to eat, which also increases stomach fat. Belly fat is reduced in people who sleep 6 to 7 hours a night. People who are more or less sleepy are more likely to suffer from oral problems. 

Exercise Ball

Lie directly on the back of the ground on the ground. Now take a big ball exercised on your hands and lift your legs up. Now grab the ball of your hands on your feet and then take the legs down and come back again by taking the ball again. Then take the ball that has been lifted from the feet again in your hands. Perform this action 12 consecutive times. By doing so, the accumulation of fat on the stomach will start decreasing in a few days.

Yoga is also one of the measures to reduce belly fat. Here we are telling you about some Yogasons

To reduce your waist and lower abdomen, you will have to do yoga regularly in the morning. Any way you can stay healthy with yoga. But especially if you do such asanas that help reduce your stomach and waist. Do every day of Surya Namaskar, Sarangangaan, Bhujangasan, Vajrasana, Padmasana, Shalbhasan etc.

1. Setubandha Yogasana
setubandha yogasan to reduce fat

By doing this posture, it helps in reducing the stored fat near the stomach and waist. Also the stomach and thigh muscles are strong. If there is any kind of pain or stretch in your neck, then doing this asana will also cure it. Not only this, if your spinal cord has fallen on one side due to sitting in the wrong way, then this seat also fixes it.

Way to do:

Lay on the ground on the back and turn both knees and hang the feet on the ground. After this, keep both arms straight on the feet, palms should be restrained on the ground. Now lift the waist towards the top, while leaving the breath, while keeping feet and hands in the same position. After remaining in this condition about 30 seconds slowly return to normal posture.

Caution: People with hypertension should not do this posture.

2. Kapalbhati

To reduce obesity this yoga is considered to be the most beneficial. It is said that the results are soon to be seen. Problems such as constipation, gas and acidity disappear when it is done regularly. Stomach veins are strong and our digestive system works well.

Way to do:

Sit in the posture of Sudhasan on the ground and close your eyes. Now gradually leave the breath out through the nose. When you leave the breath out, your belly will go inwards. Keep in mind that while doing this, you do not want to breathe in, only to leave. Every day, five chakras of this posture will benefit from morning and evening empty stomach.

Caution: It should be done in the empty stomach in the morning and it must be eaten after half an hour after doing it. If you are doing in the evening, then after five hours of eating, do it. Neglected woman should not do it.

3. Anulom-Bilom Pranayama

Of course this is easy to posture, but it is effective in reducing obesity. It is also called pulse purification pranayam, primarily. It has the flow of blood in the body properly.

Way to do:

Sit in the posture of Sudhasan on the ground and close your eyes. Now close the nose on the right side of the right hand thumb and breathe from the left and count to five. Now with the fourth finger of the right hand, close the nose on the left side and gradually release the breath from the right side.Now in this situation, while breathing in and after counting up to five, stop the nose from the right and leave the breath from the left.
Such cycles can be done four to five times per minute.

Caution: High blood pressure and heart patients should do this with the advice of trained Yoga Guru and under their supervision. At the same time, it should never be loud or fast.

4. Balasan


If you are wondering how to reduce the stomach fat, Balasan is the best. While doing this posture, our condition is like the embryo found in the mother's womb. Therefore, it is called Balasan Yoga. Stomach muscles are strong after bathing. It takes about 10 minutes daily in the stomach.

Way to do:

First of all, vigorously sitting on the knees and putting all the weight on the ankles. Keep your waist straight, lift your hands straight up while breathing. Now leave the breath and bend forward. Try that your head should be ground and keep your hand straight. While staying in this situation for a few seconds, get back while breathing.

Caution: If there is pain in the back or the knee operation, then do not do this asana. Also, those who have diarrhea should not do this asana.

5. Naukasan
naukasana yoga for belly fat

This posture is beneficial in waist and abdominal remedies. By doing this, the small intestine, large intestine and digestive system gets better.

Way to do:

Lie down on the ground with your back and mix your ankles and claws together. Both your hands should be adjacent to the waist and the palms should be towards the floor. Now raise your legs, hands and neck parallel to the top, so that the full load of the body will be on your knees. After about 30 seconds of being in this condition, slowly breathing slowly in normal condition.

Those who have serious gout and abdominal problems should not do this posture. Also pregnant women should avoid this posture.

We have learned exercising what kind of exercise can control our weight. Now is the time, to know what to include in our diet that the fat on the stomach cannot be accumulated. 

What to eat and not to eat to reduce stomach fat

If you do not keep the food balanced, then whatever exercises you have, the stomach fat will not be reduced. Let’s take a look at what we need to eat and lose weight.

As soon as you wake up in the morning:

After getting up in the morning, drink two glasses of lukewarm water, so that your stomach is cleared. After retiring from defecation, drink a glass of lemon in warm water and drink it. Those who have sugar, do not mix sugar in lemonade and those who have high blood pressure, they drink without salt. Scientific research has proven that drinking lemonade reduces weight.

Before breakfast:

Eat about 5-6 almonds 15 minutes before breakfast. Keep these almonds soaked in water overnight and take out the peas in the morning and eat them. By eating Almond, the body gets essential nutrients. Almond contains fiber, which eliminates hunger.


Two Chapatti with low-fat yogurt can eat. Instead, you can also take two brown breads, which can put an almond butter on it. A bowl of oats can also be eaten in them.

Two hours later:

If you take breakfast in the morning, then eat any fruit around 11 o'clock or you can also eat it after making various fruit salads.


Surely eat vegetables' salad before eating. By eating salad, the body gets extra fiber. After this, mix one or two roti and mix well with vegetables and boiled dal. If you eat non-veg, then take a piece of fish. Try to eat food at one o'clock.

In the evening:

At least five o'clock in the evening before dinner, you can drink milk with a fruit or a glass without cream. Apart from these, green-tea or coconut water can also drink.


Dinner should always be light and should be done by eight o'clock. In the dinner, you can take a veg or chicken soup without butter. After this one can take one or two roti with the vegetable.

Make these points noted to reduce belly fat

Avoid eating sugary and canned foods. Eat Starch-rich foods like:  Rice, noodles, pasta and bread. Brown rice and Brown bread should be eaten instead. Tobacco, alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided.
Next we are giving some more important tips, with the help of which the stomach fat can be reduced.

Some Tips for Stomach and Waist Fats - Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

Eat balanced amounts:

 Eating up to three times a day, digestive system does not work properly. Therefore, eat a little in every two to three hours.

Drink more water:

 Drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day is extremely important for health. Do not drink water only when you are thirsty or dry throat. Drink a little water at every fixed time. Drinking water can reduce the habit of overeating.

Do not forget breakfast:

As much as necessary breathing, you have the necessary breakfast. Some people think that not having breakfast, weight will lose, while it is not so. Due to not eating upside-down, our appetite increases and we eat more, which can cause weight gain.


It contains antioxidant properties, which is helpful in reducing obesity and fat. Therefore, you can drink at least one cup of green tea every day.

Potassium-rich foods:

 Potassium is found in avocado, banana, papaya, mango and melon, which does not allow the body to lose water and helps to reduce weight.

Fruits and vegetables:

 Keeping fruits and vegetables in small quantities should be consumed throughout the day. This will lessen hunger and help reduce obesity.


 If possible, start the day with the smoothie of fruit. Especially the watermelon smoothie should be consumed. Watermelon contains enough water. It keeps your stomach full after eating and does not feel like eating anything. In such a situation, you do not eat food, it is possible that the stomach fat will be reduced.

Full sleep:

 It is also important to get whole sleep to reduce fat. Everyone should take seven to eight hours of sleep. There are two main reasons for increasing both weight and lower waist. It is said that if you have whole sleep, the digestive system works well and digest food.

The fat deposited on the waist or on the stomach is not such a problem that it cannot be removed. Just need to follow the fixed routine and exercise regularly. 

How to lose weight

Are your stomach going out and people are even getting started every day? So do not worry because we have some tricks, from which you can easily lose weight. Increasing weight for women is also a major problem. Keeping all your old clothes unheard of. If you eat the right type of diet, you can easily burn your belly fat. Vegetables that reduce your all your fat, you have to pay attention to your exercise as well as eat properly. There are many such exercises, which are specially focused only on the stomach, so they should eat them together. 

You will get the result soon. With a perfect weight loss tips and strong intentions, you can lose weight only in 10 days. So let's know about these weight loss tips.

If you want to reduce belly fat then eat plenty watermelon. Watermelon contains excessive amount of water and the stomach is filled up for longer periods of time. The advantage of this is that hunger looks less and control is on food. When eating less food then obviously the stomach fat will be reduced.

Day 1: On the first day of water and exercise

 You should drink plenty of water. This will increase your energy level, water will be fulfilled in the body and will remain fit. To reduce belly fat, do the treadmill for 30 minutes or walk.

Day 2: Take Low Calorie Diet and Exercise

 The next day, eat a low calorie diet. Keep drinking water to stay active.

Day 3: Juice and Exercise

On the third day fresh fruit juice and Smooth drinks. It will fill your stomach and will not be hungry. Do this all day.

Day 4: Whole grains and exercises

 Eat the food made from whole grains throughout the day. This will give you lots of energy. Also do a workout for one hour.

Day 5: Take a fiber-free diet

 To lose weight with fiber and exercise fast, it will not constipate you. Drink too much water every day.

Day 6: Nuts and Exercise

 Nuts contain lots of energy, protein and vitamins. This will keep you fit and healthy. You will not even get hungry after eating it.

Day 7: Green vegetables and exercise
 Include green vegetables like broccoli and spinach in your salad. With this you will be full of energy all day.

Day 8: Fruits and Exercise

 Add plenty of colorful fruits and water to your diet every day. With this, the stomach is reduced very quickly.

Day 9: Eat milk and yogurt

 Eat milk and dairy products and do not forget to workout. Women should eat milk products always. Eat things like vegetables, fruits, salads and milk in the food. Do not include fat and fat-growing things at all in your diet.

Day 10: Eggs and exercise

 Eggs contain enough protein which is necessary for weight loss. This will increase the energy of the body and the stomach will soon decrease.

These measures will also reduce the stomach fat

Deposition on the stomach and waist these days is a matter of concern. It not only looks bad in appearance but also causes many diseases like thyroid, BP and sugar.

 Today, through this article we will learn how to reduce the stomach fat. For this, we will discuss effective exercise and diet, which is helpful in reducing belly fat.

 Most people do not like cabbage, but perhaps people do not know that cabbage helps a lot in fat reduction. If the cabbage does not like the vegetable, then eat it as a salad..day at least once.

These home remedies will reduce stomach fat, these domestic methods will cause asthma fatigue to be chanted in a few months.

Nowadays people are not troubled by stomach obesity and increased weight, but stomach fat is also one of the major problems for them. To reduce belly fat, people also resort to surgery, but there are some domestic ways through which the stomach fat can be reduced.

·         If you want to reduce belly fat, this is a fun tip for you. To reduce fat, you can also make a health drink and drink it daily. For this, you take 3-4 glasses of water and squeeze 3-4 lemons into it, put 6-7 basil leaves in it. Now put some pieces of cucumber into it, if you can even add a cucumber juice to it. 

     Now cover this mixture in a vessel for overnight. Wake up in the morning and drink it. False this tip daily. This will not only reduce the fat of the stomach but also a tremendous acceleration on the face.

·         Garlic is very helpful in weight loss, so it is very useful in reducing belly fat in the same way. For this, chew the two buds of garlic daily and drink a glass of lukewarm water from it, in which a lemon juice is attached.

·         Add cumin seeds to the food as it is helpful in reducing belly fat. Apart from this, apples, pineapple, cucumber and tomato are also helpful in reducing excess stomach. Where there is an enzyme called bromelen in the pineapple that helps in reducing fat, then there is fiber and beta carotene inside the apple which reduces the fat.

·         Similarly, tomatoes contain an element called 9-oxo-ODA, which helps in reducing fat.

·         Curry leaf is also a thing through which the stomach fat can be reduced. Since it is easily available, therefore there will be no problem in consuming it. Raise the empty stomach 4-5 curry leaves every morning. If you do this for some time then you will get rid of stomach fat.

·         Celery is the best remedy to increase stomach fat. For this, soak half a teaspoon celery in a glass of water on a daily basis and grind it in the morning and eat it in a little honey and eat it. Do this regularly for one month and then look amazing.

·         Aloe vera is also considered to be the most effective remedy for reducing belly fat. For this, either drink aloe vera juice daily or drink the inside of the aloe vera leaf and mix it with orange or seasoning juice and drink it daily. Fat will start decreasing in a few weeks.

·         Everyday green tea drinks will help reduce stomach fat and reduce obesity.

·         Curd is also considered to be effective in reducing fat and obesity. At a time when eating yogurt, fat will be reduced in a few months. In fact, curd helps in melting fat in the body and due to which the fat is reduced.

·         Mint also helps in reducing fat. Eat peppermint every day for this. You can also drink mint tea or make chutney or raita of mint. Eat in any form, but eat mint once a day.

I hope this article helped you to reduce belly fat. please do let us know how much you have reduced.



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